School of Taekwon-Do
About the British United Taekwon-Do FederationSchool of Taekwon-Do
About the British United Taekwon-Do FederationSchool of Taekwon-Do
About the British United Taekwon-Do Federation
The British United Taekwon-Do Federation – BUTF – was formed on the 1st of March 1988 to promote and teach pure Taekwon-Do (TKD). The same Taekwon-Do that the founder Grandmaster Choi Hong Hi – 9th Dan created.
The head of the federation is Grandmaster R. M. K Choy IX Dan a genuine ITF master with over 40 years ‘hands-on’ experience of practicing and teaching Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Choy is also the most senior Instructor of the Founders (ITF) format in England.
Supporting him closely is another Grandmaster (Miss) T. Y Au IX Dan, the only female Grandmaster in the country.
Also assisting is Grandmaster A. Manning IX. They each have close to 40 years of experience as active Taekwon-Do Instructors.
Also on the Executive Committee are Masters K. Whitley VIII Dan, A. Liu VII Dan, M. Snelders VII Dan.
The British United Taekwon-Do Federation – BUTF – was formed on the 1st of March 1988 to promote and teach pure Taekwon-Do (TKD). The same Taekwon Do that the founder Grandmaster Choi Hong Hi – 9th Dan created.
BUTF Master of Masters

The head of the federation is Grandmaster R. M. K Choy IX Dan a genuine ITF master with over 40 years ‘hands-on’ experience of practicing and teaching Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Choy is also the most senior Instructor of the Founders (ITF) format in England.
Supporting him closely is another Grandmaster (Miss) T. Y Au IX Dan, the only female Grandmaster in the country.
Also assisting is Grandmaster A. Manning IX. They each have close to 40 years of experience as active Taekwon-Do Instructors.
Also on the Executive Committee are Masters K. Whitley VIII Dan, A. Liu VII Dan, M. Snelders VII Dan.